What exactly is trenching

Trenching in construction implies creating a narrow excavation below the ground surface by using equipment known as trencher. Trenches are deeper than being wide, in respect to a ditch, and more narrow in respect to their length, in respect to a pit or hole.

What is the difference between excavating and trenching?

While all trenches are basically excavations, but not all excavations are trenches. An excavation is a human made trench, depression or cavity formed by earth removal below the ground surface, while a trench is any excavation that is narrower in respect to its length. An excavation can be on any size or shape, but a trench usually has a depth more than its width and width not surpassing 15 feet.

What are trenches used for?

Trenching is used   for different kinds of construction and civil engineering projects, like electric cables, laying pipes, and telephone wire and sewage lines. At the residential level, trenching is most frequently used for installing plumbing connections and digging irrigation, heating system pipes and electricity cables. At the city level, trenching is used to install sewer and drainage lines and also city wide electric lines.

If you find that you use a trencher less often, it possibly makes more sense to rent one when the requirement arises. Thus, you only pay for the time you really require, and can avoid spending hefty amounts for an attachment that you just end up using once. That being said, the best way to determine the ideal trenching expert for your project is to speak with a professional that can look into your particular requirements.

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